
Kyrre Kverndokk. Klimakrisens tid. Arr. Idéhistorisk tidsskrift No. 2, pp. 33–47.

John Ødemark. Timing Indigenous Culture and Religion: Tales of Conversation and Ecological Salvation from the Amazon. In Olav Hammer and Mikael Rothstein (eds.). Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion. Brill.

Marit Ruge Bjærke. Hvor ble det av naturens egenverdi? i Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift nr. 1, side 7-21. Forkortet versjon på

Marit Ruge Bjærke. Å sette (antropo)scenen selv: Klimakrise, teknologi og møter med naturen. Forfatternes klimaaksjon. Artikkelen er også publisert på

Peter Bjerregaard og Kyrre Kverndokk . Kollaps: På randen av fremtiden. I Peter Bjerregaard og Kyrre Kverndokk (red.). Kollaps: På randen av fremtiden. Dreyer forlag, pp. 9-17.

John Ødemark. Anders undergang og vår egen: Om oversettelse av en eskatologisk fortelling fra Amazonas. I Peter Bjerregaard og Kyrre Kverndokk (red.). Kollaps: På randen av fremtiden. Dreyer forlag, pp. 135-147.

Camilla Asplund Ingemark 2019. Islands Submerged into the Sea. Islands in the Cultural Imaginary of Climate Change. I Camilla Asplund Ingemark, Carina Johansson & Oscar Pripp (red.). Former som formar: Musik, kulturarv, öar: Festskrift till Owe Ronström. Etnologiska avdelningen, Uppsala universitet (Etnolore 39.), pp. 199–208.

Kyrre Kverndokk. Barnet og ungdomsopprøret: Om Greta Thunsbergs retorikk i anledning Fritt Ords pris 2019. Salongen: Nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie.

Henrik H. Svensen, Dougal A. Jerram, Alexander G. Polozov, Sverre Planke, Clive R. Neal, Lars E. Augland, Henry C. Emeleus. Thinking about LIPs: A brief history of ideas in Large igneous province research. Tectonophysics, Vol. 760, 5 June 2019, pp. 229–251.

Climate Change Exemplarity: Special issue of Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 2019 11(3-4), including: 

Marit Ruge Bjærke. Inne i en sjette masseutryddelse?. Salongen: Nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie.

Kyrre Kverndokk. Klimatförändringarnas tid: Kulturella perspektiv på krismedvetande. In: Lotten Gustafsson Reinius (ed.). Arktiska spår: Natur och kultur i rörelse. Nordiska museets förlag. pp. 164–181.

Kyrre Kverndokk. The Age of Climate Change: Cultural Change Temporalities and Crisis Awareness. Journal of Northern Studies, vol. 14(2), pp.53–66. [Translation of Klimatförändringarnas tid]

Scott Bremer, Eleanor Johnson, Kjersti Fløttum, Kyrre Kverndokk, Arjan Wardekker, Werner Krauss. Portrait of a climate city: How climate change is emerging as a risk in Bergen, Norway. Climate Risk Management 2020(29). 14 pages.

Kyrre Kverndokk. Talking About Your Generation: “Our Children” as a Trope in Climate Change Discourse. In Ethnologia Europaea 50(1), pp. 145–158.

Kyrre Kverndokk. A Cultural History of Natural Disasters Since 1755. In: Alessandro Arcangeli, Jörg Rogge and Hannu Salmi (eds.). The Routledge Companion to Cultural History in the Western World, 1250 to the Present. Routledge, pp. 433–449.

Marit Ruge Bjærke. Miss Hare Struggles: How Examples of Species Threatened with Extinction Tell a Story of Climate Change. Ethnologia Scandinavica: A Journal for Nordic Ethnology, pp-187–202.

Kyrre Kverndokk, Marit Ruge Bjærke, Anne Eriksen (eds.). Climate Change Temporalities: Explorations in Vernacular, Popular, and Scientific Discourse. Routledge. 190 pp. Including:

  1. Kyrre Kverndokk and Anne Eriksen. Introduction: Climate Change Temporalities: Narratives, Genres, and Tropes
  2.  Diane E. Goldstein. ‘Where is global warming when you need it?’: The Role of Immediacy in Vernacular Constructions of Climate Change .
  3. Lone Ree Milkær. The Great Re-Skilling: Understandings of Generation, Tradition, and Nostalgia in Everyday-Life Climate Activism.
  4. Camilla Asplund Ingemark. In the Shadow of Apocalyptic Futures: Climate Change as a Cultural Trope in Vernacular Discourse.
  5. Kyrre Kverndokk. The Extreme Summer of 2018: Norwegian Weather News and the Politics of Weatherlore.
  6. Isak Winkel Holm. The Prophetic Tone in True Detective: Sensing the Time of the Future Climate Disaster.
  7. Lars Kaijser. Advocating Equilibrium: On Climate Change at Public Aquariums.
  8. Marit Ruge Bjærke. The Sixth Extinction: Naming Time in a New Way.
  9. Anne Eriksen. Smoke, Smells, and Seaweeds in Eighteenth-Century Norway.
  10. John Ødemark. Origin Myths from the Cultural Historical Archive of the Anthropocene: Vico, Burnet, and the Time of the Deluge.
  11. Marit Ruge Bjærke. Conclusion: Living the Climate Change.

Marit Ruge Bjærke and Kyrre Kverndokk . Our World is dew: Tor Åge Bringsværd's Fable Prose as a Chthulucenic Experience. In Anna Höglund & Cecilia Trenter. The Enduring Fantastic: Essays on Imagination and Western Culture. McFarland, pp. 140-153.