Hedda Susanne Molland is a new PhD candidate in cultural studies, associated to The Future is Now. She is working on a project on the temporal aspects of Norwegian climate politics.
Climate politics is defined by notions of time and action. It’s long term politics, addressing how what we do in the present can limit climate change and its consequences in the future. In addition, notions of what actions are appropriate, and who can do what, are closely linked with how time is understood. Molland’s project addresses these issues by asking how notions of time and action have shaped Norwegian climate policy. She is doing a cultural and historical discourse analysis of key policy documents from the Norwegian Ministry of climate and environment in the period of the Solberg government. Her analysis is guided by three primary questions: 1) what notions of time can be found in the ministry’s documents; 2) what kind of influence has science and popular culture had on imaginaries of the future in these documents; and 3) how have these notions of time and the future influenced how actors and capacities for action is represented in Norwegian climate politics.